Friday, May 8, 2009

My last day of smoking

Well, the day is finally here. I am down to my last 6 cigarettes. I have been making my own rollies for six years now to save money, but with the new federal tax I can't afford that anymore. I bought a fair supply at the end of March which actually lasted through April until today. I only smoke about a dozen a day now anyway so I am hoping that quitting won't be too hard. I admit that it seems more psychological than physical, but I guess I'll see. I figure that I will make my last 6 last until bedtime tonight, and when I wake up tomorrow I will be an official ex-smoker. Smoking contributed a lot to my mother's passing and my father has been bugging me to quit, along with my hubby. My dad is also an ex-smoker, but he stayed on the nicotine gum for about 4 years until he gave that up. My hubby quit cold turkey, and never looked back. I am hoping that quitting gives me a little more energy, and it should improve my lung function. I only started when I was twenty five, but that was about 15 years ago now and I sorta got used to it. I only smoke outside now anyway and the temperatures here are over 100 so going out isn't exactly nice. I have been trying to psych myself up to this point, convincing myself it is best for my health. I recently found out that smoking is a contributor to macular degeneration which I didn't know and that has been a huge help to wanting to quit. My eyesight is very important to me and I need it to be good for a long time still with my twins just turning 2 and my love of crafting and jewelry making. I have noticed in the last year or so my eyesight has worsened so that is a huge motivating factor for me. As my tobacco supply has dwindled and I have been really facing the end of smoking I have gotten a little grumpy and high-strung. I have really been thinking about it and the only thing I am really going to miss about smoking is escaping from the kids for a few minutes outside when I get a little overwrought with their behavior and getting a nicotine fix. Now I am not sure what I'll do, but I will figure something out. I figured out a while ago that making my rollies was fulfilling my urge to make stuff with my hands so a positive aspect right there is that I should start making more crafts and jewelry again. Well, I'll keep posting about my progress and problems on this, but I really need to do this. Like Yoda said, do not try, do.

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