Thursday, September 4, 2008

My mother is in the hospital

Wow, I just started my blog yesterday and my life is even more interesting than 24 hours ago. At midnight last night my mother was admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. I have been a little nutsy because of it since I have the twins and I need to go see her. She has been retaining fluid for about 2 months and the doctor suggested this may be the case. She could not get it treated because she had no insurance and her medicare was to go into effect on September 1st so she decided to wait it out. I am just beside myself with rage at the governmental system that allowed her disability but denied her medicare until 2 1/2 years after that was approved. Typical governmental catch-22! I need to find out when that rule of disability and medicare coverage was passed. I really get the impression, as a lot of other people that they want people to die before medicare can cover them. Arizona actually had a program through the state health insurance for the disabled to sign on for to have medical coverage until medicare would be effective but in the last budget it was axed. Grrr. I hope to go see her later today. She also has diabetes and P.A.D. (peripheral artery disease) both of which I am sure contributed to her heart failure. Her treatment right now is to just have her body get rid of the extra fluid right now. When I last talked to her this morning, she had already passed 10 pounds of water weight. Only about 20 more to go for her to get to the weight she was at before she started bloating. Then they can start treating her P.A.D. and that would take a lot of stress off her heart also. It is probably hard for her heart to try to pump blood down her legs with blockages in both. OK, I'll take a few deep breaths and try to stay focused on what I can and need to do. I have no idea how long she is going to be there. On the bright side, the twins are fine and my hubby is working.

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