Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some of my favorite things

As a long-time denizen of the "internets" I have run across a few interesting things. I have a diverse range of interests that span a fair range so my favorites folder is a fairly crowded place. I thought I would post a cross-section of my favorites here(cut and paste):


Daily Kos is a blog community who's stated mission is to work on electing Democrats, but it is really sort of a clearinghouse of politcal debate, news, policies, and pretty much anything about trying to make the world a better place. "...because the truth has a well-known liberal bias"-Stephen Colbert.


Whatreallyhappened.com is my homepage. It's a news link collection from all over the world with sometimes wry and witty comments, but it covers the important news that doesn't get exposure on the front page of the traditional media.


News articles written by contributors and news wires articles, also mostly under the radar, but major stories as well. Good site.


The Bank Implote-O-Meter website is a great concise resource for all the banks that have failed, and the listing of major banks and how much they have so far written off. Updated whenever banks release earnings and when the Fed takes over. Includes some commentary and analysis.


My mom and dad's local newspaper which I check every so often. Nice quiet place most of the time.

Those are all links from my Dailies folder, which has about 20 more links. I thought these would be good to start with, since I think you could find out a few things about a person by their list of links in their Favorites folder.

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